I’m sure most of you have heard the sentence „My name is Cecilia and I live on Svalbard an island close to the North Pole“ before. As promised in my last article, I want to tell you a bit more about one of my all-time favourite people on the internet, Cecilia Blomdahl. I, Chief Editor Chiara-Marie Hauser, had the chance to learn a bit more about Cecilia’s love for Svalbard and her journey up to the far north.
CMH: Cecilia, tell me a bit about yourself and what made you move to Longyearbyen.
Cecilia: I am 34 years old and originally from Gothenburg, Sweden. I was fortunate enough to spend a good amount of my younger years living in different countries, such as Ireland, England and Spain. This not only gave me fluent English but also a desire to experience life in different countries. My move to Longyearbyen was not very planned, as I had not even heard about the island before some of my colleagues mentioned they were going there to work. I was at the time working at a Hotel in Gothenburg, Sweden, and very ready for a new adventure. I managed to get a job at the same place my colleagues were going to, and made my move to the arctic island of Svalbard. What was only supposed to be a short stay of around three months, has now turned into 8 years. I live in a cabin with my boyfriend Christoffer and my dog Grim.
CMH: If you had to describe living in Longyearbyen in one sentence, what would it be?
Cecilia: A very peaceful and cosy village, full of like-minded people who love nature.
CMH: What was or perhaps still is the biggest adjustment you had to make when moving up here?
Cecilia: The extreme seasons! From 4 months of darkness to 4 months of constant daylight, Svalbard knows no moderation. It is however what keeps life here so exciting! The extremes!
CMH: How do you find the contrast between the extreme seasons in Longyearbyen, the polar night and day? Does it impact your lifestyle or routines significantly?
Cecilia: Absolutely! I adjust my routine and sleep schedule for each season. The polar night requires a more strict morning schedule in order to make sure I get out of bed at a decent hour, while the polar day is the opposite.
CMH: Looking at the content you post, one can tell that you enjoy outdoor activities, do you have any favourite winter or summer pastimes here?
Cecilia: Each season has its own beauty and adventure. During the winter I love to go on snowmobile trips to glaciers or cabins, or take Grim on a cross country ski session. The summer is spent out on the fjords in our boat, exploring nature bays and watching walruses enjoy the sunshine. One thing I do in both seasons, and enjoy immensely, is hiking! 🙂

©Cecilia Blomdahl
CMH: How do you think living in a northern country has shaped your perspective on nature, seasons, and the passage of time?
Cecilia: I think quite a bit! I grew up with somewhat dark winters, with lots of snow and remember how my parents would do so many fun things with us outside whether it was winter or summer. They always encouraged us to be outside, and always spoke about both winter and summer in a positive way. I believe your mindset going into different seasons is super important in affecting the outcome, especially a season like polar night which can be quite rough on the body. There is so much beauty in winter, especially if one bundles up and goes outside to experience it. 🙂
CMH: Why should people come visit Longyearbyen and what is one thing they should all do while being here?
Cecilia: Go for the best coffee in town at Café Huskies, where you also get to pet some super cute husky dogs at the same time! Have lunch at Kroa, go for dinner at Gruvelageret and hang out at Funken Bar or Stationen.
CMH: And finally, what would you tell people who think about moving up here?
Cecilia: If you want an adventure, and to really experience raw nature up close, this is the place for you! Just remember to bring a LOT of wool clothing! haha
We thank Cecilia for her time, we certainly can’t wait to see and hear more of her adventures up north!
Cecilia beschreibt wunderbar, wie das Leben in einer nördlichen Region die Wahrnehmung der Natur und der Jahreszeiten prägt und betont, wie wichtig eine positive Einstellung gegenüber den Wintermonaten ist.Telkom University Jakarta